
Monday, February 28, 2011

Why me?'s too hard!

Speaking from a personal place: Sometimes i wonder why God lets me crash into hurdles, instead of helping me jump over them. If he is truly God, why doesn't he just lift me out of the situation? but rather, he walks through it with me. Yesterday, it finally clicked! "you can't skip the cross and the suffering" but expect to get the blessing. You can't ignore the fact that most of the hurdles you will come across in life have nothing to do with you, but are simply a testimony that will save someone else's life! Sometimes its not even about God teaching you a profound life lesson but instead, it's about Him using you. When you understand this--what it really means to walk and live a selfless life like Christ did, then it all begins to make sense. In the words of Janette Ikz."some of us won't hear it unless it's from somebody who went through..and in that case He allowed me to come before you and stand as a testimony for YOU". Only then do you come into play. By allowing your life to give God the glory.

Romans 8: 18

Where is your light?...i can't see it!

Random thoughts: Is it possible to be the "light" in a dark room but yet everyone around you still stumbles in darkness? I mean can it be bright and dark at the same time? can a person be pregnant and not pregnant at the same time? or can it be raining and not raining at the same time? One of them has to be true and the other a lie. So how is it possible that a person can love the things God hates and walk in darkness but claim to be the light of the world?... yet no one around them can see God's light shinning through? Or maybe you just keep your light under a table for no one else to see..."but since when did Jesus become your secret to keep?"- Ezekiel A.

Mathew 5:13-17

Saturday, February 26, 2011

In Christ, I Rest- -plus random thoughts...

It's funny how sometimes we forget to build our pillar of faith. It always seems a lot harder, a lot more painful, a lot scarier and a lot lonelier when God is closest to you. Sometimes you feel like the weight of the world is upon your know what i mean?!?! The times when expectations get high and all eyes are on you, waiting for you to deliver...but you just can't! Instead, you watch your castle of dreams crumble before your very eyes and you begin to wonder where to turn next.The times when it seems like all paths do lead to a door? but what good is a door behind which there is nothing but a brick wall? the times when all those uplifting christian songs and  encouraging Christian phrases on the backs of t-shirts  go right out the window. It is at this precise moment that "faith" comes into play. When all else fails and you have the choice between turning to or away from God, but you choose to hold onto God. Then it begins to make sense: that HE makes all things beautiful in his time. I have come to the conclusion that i will always choose Jesus, no matter what i am up against. Because its in those times when i feel like all hope is lost that Christ counts on me to really trust HIM like i declare so boldly in my songs of praise. For me, HE is my hiding the midst of my chaotic life, he gives me a sound and peaceful mind each and everyday. He gives me reason to not just exist, but to actually "live". Through this, i build my pillars of faith and i look back, not in fear but in remembrance of the pillars...the pillars i built all the times he brought me through.
                                                                                                                                                Psalm 32: 7

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Can "HE" come too?

A friend and i recently (as in yesterday) had a conversation that got me thinking-what is SIN and what is non-beneficial but not necessarily sin. Granted, almost everything under the sun has been labeled sin by many when in fact these things may be  non-beneficial but certainly not sin. While the mere act of walking into a club,  hearing a song about sex, drugs and murder or even watching a movie filled with sexual content may not be  "sin", the probability that "it may" lead to sin is ridiculously high. Needless to say it's better to keep your distance. But if technically these are not sin, then i should be free to do them if i want to. Yes you are free to do whatever you please, but you are also as a christian called to walk like Christ did, hence the name CHRISTIAN. The big question then is: Would the same Jesus the scripture talks about be seen jammin' to lil Wayne's "lollipop" (not condemning lil Wayne!) right after watching Monster's Ball or will he despise of it? I mean, if you are having a hard time figuring out what Jesus is/not cool with, check out what the scripture says with an unbiased mind. Ask yourself  if "he can come" or do you have to leave him behind while you partake in those activities? That's what i do...and it works for me, maybe it will work for you.

PS. While it may not be sin, it may work against HE that lives inside of you (just in case you were wondering, I'm talking about the spirit of God) lol.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Phew!!! Running again after taking a two month break HURTS!

I finally started running again! I had lost my focus for a little while or should i say-I went from being able to run comfortably for 4miles to gasping frantically for air after a 10min jog! I guess that's more than just "loosing a little focus". Well, the bright side is; today i finally did another 4mile run--yes...i know, i was still gasping for air frantically but at least this time, I had been running for 45mins. Any-who on a more serious note, i am thinking about signing up for a 5K race ?!?! *happy dance* Like my dear friend Buckee would say...

PS: You should join me!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Album: REHAB--is finally here!

Lacrae's New highly anticipated album has finally hit stores! This brother through his life and music exemplifies what it means to be on fire for Christ. With his "dope" beats and convicting lyrics, his music is always a great listen for young christian who are transitioning from secular to christian music. The album features other young christian artists such as: Tedda Shii, Sho Baraka, Sonny Sandoval, Anthony Evans and more. His new single: Overdose is guaranteed to get you bumping your head with approval while reflecting on your life.

Synopsis of Overdose video: Around every corner is a lure to consume--a desire to be satisfied. Unfortunately, no human being has found anything under the sun that brings lasting satisfaction. So we consume more and more and more. Eventually, we overdose. But there is hope--if Christianity is our rehab. In Jesus, satisfaction can be found....and there is always more. Consume more of Jesus. OVERDOSE! 

Monday, February 14, 2011


How much longer will we continue to portray this phony Christ? The one who is cool with our sins? Cool with our worldly music, worldly TV, fake christian lingo "Praise God, Amen sister" when we really don't mean it from the depth of our hearts. How long will we claim to love Jesus but not obey his commands? How much longer will we straddle the line between heaven and hell before we give God the true worship and honor he deserves? When will we realize that it is one thing to say "I know Jesus", but does Jesus know you?

Revelations 3:15-16....So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Does anybody know that you're a christian?

Can anybody really tell that you're a Christian by your actions? or do you have to hit them with the bible lingo for them to realize you know Jesus? Coz it's one thing to have "faith" and it's another thing to "work out that faith".

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Am African

This picture was designed by a local Baltimore artist with the goal of depicting the similarities which are deeply rooted within all people, regardless of race.In essence, despite our varied origin,  we can proudly claim to be AFRICAN!

Chris Webb at P4CM Lyricist Lounge-The Only Thing

Passion 4 Christ Movement Lyricist Lounge just did it again! This poet ripped the stage with a piece titled: "The Only Thing" This poem will fire up your soul! Checkout more videos on: Get in-touch with some cool young people who are passionate  for Christ.
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