
Friday, March 18, 2011

Is a "tshirt" enough?

Caption: I know i ate your shoes today, and i will eat the carpet tomorrow but does this sweater count?

So i was thinking...just how deep does my/your love for God really go? Is it deeper than my love for people's opinions, than that sin i just won't let go, the excuses i make to keep from fully committing to God or even my love for money? I mean, does it go beyond wearing a shirt to have the whole world think we love Him? Is it about putting him on our facebook status and downloading every christian song we can find? Is it  even about  confessing out loud how much we can't live without Him? or does it come down to "what's deep down in our hearts", which is shown by whether we obey his commands? While you may be able to tell a tree by the display of its fruit, the fruits of the true christian are not displayed on a shirt, an item of clothing or a bumper sticker.  Are you like the dog in the picture? Will you continue to disobey God's commands, yet claim to love him? People, let us really seek God, He will reveal Himself and show us how we ought to love Him.


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