
Monday, May 9, 2011

Ever Been To A Bonfire?

Caption: I know this looks nothing like a bonfire lol, but this is a great depiction of how His presence made me feel

I had never been to a bonfire before because every single one i got invited to involved heavy drinking. However, i had always heard of how awesome they could be and i desperately wanted to try it out! Well i finally got invited to a bonfire this weekend by some brothers and sisters from Friday Night Fire Bible study. Must i say it was one of the MOST God felt experiences in my entire life!!! As i sat there and stared straight at the fire while worship songs were being sung, it felt like everything in my life that wasn't of God just began to burn away. I seriously can't explain the feeling! I mean, it was just so amazing that everywhere exept for where we sat was cloudy. You will not believe, but there was a portal right above us with clouds so clear and bright, it was as if you could see God's face. Though most of us only met each other for the first time that night, the spirit of God eliminated all division, bonding us together like friends of several years. The main commonality was Christ, and that was enough. Seriously, it's not everyday that you get to have such an encounter with God, and i feel so blessed to have experienced Him in such a huge manner.

just thought i should share :)


  1. amen!! i soo wish i could go. I hope they have more this summer! What a privilege to be in His presence!!!

  2. Aww man I heard all the stories about the bon fireee dawg! All very awesome & amazing stuff :)! I'm so glad ya'll had a good time! I wanna def go next time !


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