
Monday, July 4, 2011

Mali Music!!!

OMG! I finally made it to a Mali Music concert! it was truly phenomenal! I enjoyed every second of it. I mean dude is so humble and throughout his performance makes sure he doesn't get idolized! This brother is truly can feel it instantly when he starts singing....if you get a chance, check him out...his lyrics are deep!

Monday, June 6, 2011

For Better or for Worst Lord!

On nights like this, i think of our vows to keep seeking you  Lord and the promise you made to never leave nor forsake me. I think of how much you love me, and how i can never love you enough. I look at this picture, and it reminds me of us, it keeps me reassured that even though things may get tough, i'm not alone, we are in this together! And who better to have on your side than Jesus? I'm in this till the end Lord, but there is absolutely no way i can do this without you! So Lord please give me the strength to keep holding on for better or for worst....

Here today gone TODAY!!!

Imagine standing in front of this "clock looking thing" and watching it change numbers every second but not really understanding what it's counting. Then pause for a second and imagine how you would react if someone whispered in your ear "this counts the number of people who die as every second passes". It's not just an ordinary counter anymore, now is it? understand, this is no scare tactic to make you seek Christ, this is a true wake up call for me. There is an URGENT need to tell people of the saving grace of Christ and each second we keep our lips sealed, someone slowly slips into eternal suffering! This speaks loud and clear to me Fam! Jesus is not my secret to keep, especially when it jeopardizes someone's soul! I mean, is there anything more important than telling someone about the truth that the WORD gives? Is being rejected, isolated or called a Jesus freak worth letting someone loose their soul? Because many say "here today, gone tomorrow" but truth is you could be "here today, gone TODAY"

Thursday, June 2, 2011

I need a Revelation of YOU!

Random Thoughts

I just want to see a glimpse of you! i want to get to know you better lord, no phony new age love. More like the good old days kinda love, something like the way you love me. Though sometimes i feel like you are still so far away, i trust that you will never leave nor forsake me.  I just want to seek you till nothing else matters...

Monday, May 30, 2011

Does God break promises???

Random thoughts all over my mind, hence the haphazard "flow"...bear with me Fam.

The past couple of days have been pretty rough Fam! i just got the news that i would no  longer be participating in this program i had been patiently waiting for since Feb 2010. I had prayed over it for a long time, and i really did believe that was what God would have me do after college. There was hardly any doubt in my mind! I mean it was everything i wanted. It was a really good opportunity for me to live in a foreign country, out of my comfort zone and share the gospel. But in this, i have realized that sometimes we may get caught up between what we think God's plan is and what it actually is. Truth is,  i just realized how easy it is to trust in God when you have a fall back plan! and how hard it gets when He is all you have to look up to.The past couple of days, i have really struggled with trying to figure out why i didn't see any clues that this might not be His will for me. I have been trying to wrap my mind around how God works, and i just realized that His ways are too great for me to comprehend. The toughest part is trying not to be offended with God and understanding that "after obedience comes Revelation" and not the other way around. BUT praise God! because in  the midst of all this, one thing i know is that God never breaks a promise!

The WORD: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

                                                                                                                                     Jeremiah 29 v 11

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I surrender!

Unto you Lord i totally surrender...I give you my life, my will, my heart, my everything. I trust you even when everything seems to fall apart because i know you make all things beautiful in your time. I know my situation did not come to you as a surprise so i look to you and you alone for answers. Not friends, family or inspirational songs and movies, but You alone. I give you my best God because i love you, and no matter what i face, i will still look to you. I once heard my pastor say " faith is not believing without fear, faith is believing(courage) in the midst of fear!"- Pastor Marc Hannah

Monday, May 9, 2011

Ever Been To A Bonfire?

Caption: I know this looks nothing like a bonfire lol, but this is a great depiction of how His presence made me feel

I had never been to a bonfire before because every single one i got invited to involved heavy drinking. However, i had always heard of how awesome they could be and i desperately wanted to try it out! Well i finally got invited to a bonfire this weekend by some brothers and sisters from Friday Night Fire Bible study. Must i say it was one of the MOST God felt experiences in my entire life!!! As i sat there and stared straight at the fire while worship songs were being sung, it felt like everything in my life that wasn't of God just began to burn away. I seriously can't explain the feeling! I mean, it was just so amazing that everywhere exept for where we sat was cloudy. You will not believe, but there was a portal right above us with clouds so clear and bright, it was as if you could see God's face. Though most of us only met each other for the first time that night, the spirit of God eliminated all division, bonding us together like friends of several years. The main commonality was Christ, and that was enough. Seriously, it's not everyday that you get to have such an encounter with God, and i feel so blessed to have experienced Him in such a huge manner.

just thought i should share :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I'm Really Grateful For You!

First of all i thank God for loving me so much that he let me run till the end of myself in order to realize how much i need Him every single day! I thank Him because even when i'm so consumed with self that i can't make the right decisions, he makes them for me. I thank Him for renewing the joy of my Salvation and giving me once again the heart felt desire to seek him. I also thank those of you who were constantly praying for me, some days i could really feel it in my spirit. I thank you for allowing God to use you to remind me that He alone is God. Fam, the past 3 weeks have really been crazy! God has definitely used numerous situations to humble me. He has thought me patience and above all loving others not as i love myself, but as Christ loved me. Till now, i never fully understood what it means to love in the midst of adversity, to love even when everything inside of you is screaming out how stupid you are for not lashing out. For it is east to love and be loved in return, and it is something completely different to love and not be loved back. I count myself blessed to have experienced a minute glimpse of what Christ went through.

Looks Can Be Deceiving - Part 1

What is good can seem evil, and what is evil is EXCELLENT at looking good!-Jackie Hill

Have you ever thought " he is just perfect, this must be who God has in store for me"? yup yup, i sure have. But by what standards do you consider him "perfect"? Have you examined him by the standards of the scripture? or does he just fit a shallow description of your ideal guy? Do you always find yourself in situations that seem "perfectly" uncompromising (one party and just one drink couldn't hurt) but the night ends up taking a completely different turn? One drink turns into 3 and though you think "i can handle my liquor" you smother the spirit of God in you so much that you can't hear His voice telling you to flee! You slowly become comfortable with sin and before you realize what is happening, the devil has had his way with you. He starts by sabotaging your witnessing, he lures you even further away from God, then when you have no protection, he goes in for the kill. So be careful what you open yourself up to, music, movies, social gatherings,people and non bible based churches. For satan does not come with horns and dark clouds but as an angel of light! Be watchful and pray ALWAYS.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


I just realized i have not made a single post in over a week! I've just been feeling very distant from God, almost as if He has left me. I have really been struggling with seeking Christ's face lately. I don't understand what is going on :( but i stand on HIS promise to never leave nor forsake me. So to all my readers, please bare with me while i take some time to check-in with  my FATHER.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011



Random Thoughts: I watched this video for the fist time last Friday at FNF, the Bible study i attend. It really hit home for me because i have been meditating on this for a while now. I mean think about it for a second....won't it be easy to give Jesus your all if you think of him simply as a gift giver who came to make you rich? How different are we then from the Israelis who rejected Jesus because he was not the "HERO" they thought he was? Can you still accept Him  even if he took away EVERYTHING you thought He came for? or is it easier for you to accept him if he is presented as a gift bearer? Because it's one thing to love the gifts idolatry and something completely different to be in love with the giver! So which one will you chose? Do not be deceived by the false Jesus Being portrayed! the one who came for good health, wealth, fresh kicks, a new car, nice house and a perfect life. Lets get back to basics people, examine yourself. Go to Romans & 1 John and figure out what serving God really means.  Take the time to read about the 12 disciples....HINT "suffering for Christ triumphs vanity prosperity". Don't waste your time worshiping a make believe Christ who looks like the one in the scriptures but is nothing more than an angel of light.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thumbs Up???

Sometimes i have to stop and think " am i performing acts of righteousness for God, or for compliments and acknowledgment from other Christians and non believers respectively"? I constantly have to check myself to make sure i'm not just going through the motion because that is what is expected of a Christian. I have to examine myself every time i say praise God, Amen or even put a scripture filled status up on Facebook. I have to double check to make sure that i am not being enticed by the desire for approval. For a very long time, I lived for compliments, I wanted my pretense, hard-work to be noticed by SOMEBODY!, a pastor, friend, sister or brother in the faith. I never really understood the meaning of having a "personal relationship" with God. But i have come to understand whose approval matters the most. The beauty of having an intimate connection with THE greatest God, who took the time to create me, and has my name written on his heart! When you understand the true value of God's approval, none other will matter. What gain is there in getting the approval of everyone but loosing that of God, the one which matters most? Is a thumbs up really worth it?

The WORD: Be careful not to practice your "acts of righteousness" before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your father in heaven.

Matt 6:1

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Do the differences really matter?

 Does the difference in how we worship really matter IF we truely offer ourselves as a living sacrifice in the process?

So what is WORSHIP, what does it really mean? Is it a culture? an emotion? or obedience to the law? For a really long time, i was stuck in the belief that worship was equivalent to crying at the alter on sunday, or constantly listening to christian music that made me feel remourseful for the choices i had made in the past. I was so convinced that my emotions were enough! But i have come to descover what true worship really means. While emotions are a good thing, they can be dangerous if they are not in line with the word. For we are led by the mind of Christ, not his emotions...So i finally understand that true worship is not as complex as i thought, its not about rolling on the floor or screaming I LOVE JESUS-while not keeping his commands (ps not condeming anyone who worhips this way), but true giving ALL of urself to God. Your attitude, career, lifestyle, will, desires and your heart. When it really doesn't matter what you want anymore, but God comes first in every aspect of ur life, then you have began to worship God in a language He understands.

The Word: 1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.

Romans 12:1

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Follow up video 4 Get Rich or Die Trying?

Maybe you are not even a victim of this kind of preaching! Maybe you escape the truth that the word brings for fear of having to CHANGE your life, so you seek watered down preachers who meet your worldly standard. Examine yourself! Examine yourself! don't hide behind the excuse "they have other uplifting messages...for they will come as an angel of light and deceive many". You do not want to be surprised on that day. It's one thing to know Jesus, but does Jesus know you? And for you who are holding onto God with everything you got and preaching his Word, not false interpretation and emotion aimed at eliciting applause and fame, keep fighting the good fight and do not be discouraged for the bible warned about this...

The Word: I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;  2Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.
 3For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
 4And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
 5But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

2 Thimoty 4: 1-5

Get Rich or Die Trying?

I get really confused when i see the body of Christ do certain things which are so clearly against the scripture that i begin to wonder if we have moved away from reading the WORD and now rely on our feelings and what we "think" God approves as if we understand his ways. A few days ago, i watched a video that completely rocked my world! It was of two prominent preachers dancing frantically at the alter which had been filled with money from the members in exchange for an anointing on their finances. It took me by surprise, before i knew it, i was in tears. I couldn't stop thinking of the thousands of people who are dying and going to hell because a false Christ is being portrayed, one who cares about your financial status rather than you being truly saved! And then we wonder why there are so many people who despise Christianity when all they see are a people who prophesy how much they love Christ but then live with the same worldly and money hungry principles as people of the world do. Trust me the WORD, 1 Timothy warns about such teachers. If you are a member of a church where Sunday service has become a breed between entertainment and a money ritual, where scripture is replaced with feelings and opinion, you need to GET OUT! and find a bible based church. where the preacher will not spare your feelings at the expense of your LIFE!

The Word: 5Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.

10For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.  11But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.

1 Timothy 6: 5&10-11

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

C'mon already Mr/Ms Right!!!


Jannette Ikz from the P4CM says it all in this video! Maybe you are tired of waiting for the person God has saved for you, you constantly wonder when he/she will arrive like you wait for that pair of shoes you ordered online in the mail. Maybe your happiness depends on your relationship status and you are just that person who absolutely needs to be in one at all times "single just isn't your thing". But maybe what you really need is to take the time off to figure out who God says you are. If you focus on God instead of worrying about when that special one will arrive, trust me trust the WORD all things will fall in place!...Even if we may not understand, just trust that God know what's best, He knows it all.

The Word: He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

                                                                                                                                  Ecclesiastes 3:11

Friday, March 18, 2011

Is a "tshirt" enough?

Caption: I know i ate your shoes today, and i will eat the carpet tomorrow but does this sweater count?

So i was thinking...just how deep does my/your love for God really go? Is it deeper than my love for people's opinions, than that sin i just won't let go, the excuses i make to keep from fully committing to God or even my love for money? I mean, does it go beyond wearing a shirt to have the whole world think we love Him? Is it about putting him on our facebook status and downloading every christian song we can find? Is it  even about  confessing out loud how much we can't live without Him? or does it come down to "what's deep down in our hearts", which is shown by whether we obey his commands? While you may be able to tell a tree by the display of its fruit, the fruits of the true christian are not displayed on a shirt, an item of clothing or a bumper sticker.  Are you like the dog in the picture? Will you continue to disobey God's commands, yet claim to love him? People, let us really seek God, He will reveal Himself and show us how we ought to love Him.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Please hurt my feelings!

Because silence is deadly, surrounding yourself with hush Christians/people is equivalent to death. I would rather be around people who will pull me to the side and correct me in love. Rather than those who would "shhhhhh" not mention it and just go with the flow, pat me on the back and quote scriptures of  blessings because they are too scared to offend me. All the while watching me flirt with sin and potentially loosing my soul. See, its like this: if you saw your friend walking onto a train track while a train approached at 200km/h, would you frantically yank them out of  harm's way or would you avoid telling them how unwise that act is in fear of offending them? The devil is no different my friend, he comes to kill the soul, steal the truth and destroy your life. Please don't spare my feelings at the expense of my life.

Friday, March 11, 2011

We all goin' sin? c'mon

So why do i still act like a slave? If the word says i have been set free from the bondage of sin (no longer a slave to sin) and have now been made a slave to righteousness, why did i for the longest time still believe in the popular phrase "we all goin' sin?" How come so many of us still tend to think we are bound to sin? This is because we still have a slave mentality thus continue to think and live as though we were still under captivity of sin. The famous cliche "we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" has become an excuse for stagnation. But we fail to understand, that scripture says " we have all sinned" meaning it is in the present passed. As long as we are born again and fellowship with Christ, we no longer have an obligation to sin! We sin because we give into what our heart and flesh desires. Fact is, if we walk by the spirit sin will become foreign to us. Get rid of the slave to sin mindset and start living in the freedom Christ died to give you.

The Scripture
14 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. 15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. 

James 1:14-15

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sho Baraka- -New Music Video


The young Cali artist, Sho Baraka just released a new video: "We Can Be More". The song is FIRE! I mean there is so much i could say...but check it out for yourself.

It doesn't hurt to say it -- you are BEAUTIFUL...

It really doesn't matter what anybody says or thinks. Sometimes it doesn't even matter what or who God says you are, it all comes down to this: "do you believe you are who God says you are?" But it never hurts to tell someone they are beautiful, and genuingly mean it -- i promise, it will make their day a little easier.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

This hand sucks- -Why even play?

It's not about what's in your hand. It's about how you play the game. Stop looking at other people's cards and trying to play their hand. There is something different about your circumstances which is meant to give God the glory He deserves. Maybe you wish your dad was around more, your mom cared, you were born into a different family, you had more self esteem or were financially stable. But understand that God wants to use that situation to show you there is nothing too painful he can't heal. This situation may just be an example for someone else's life. God will compensate you for putting you through stuff so his glory could  be seen.  Don't dwell on how bad you got it, focus on how to keep pleasing God despite the fact that life dealt you a bad hand. Are you going to throw in the cards? or would you keep playing? choose...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Oowee- -Skating makes me :D .. :P .. O_o

There is something so invigorating about cutting through the wind on a skateboard long-board. It's like i'm soaring, just like birds do. This is true...until i get carried away, close my eyes and run into a person, sidewalk or an electric pole...not so "invigorating" then lol... Aside from the minor accidents its all fun and giggles. Boy i tell you...there is no better way to clear your head. Nothing beats cruising down a hill on a clear summer evening in some shorts, a tank tee and some purple & white vans :p

It's pick up day - -Take the trash out!

It's funny how when the trash can gets full, we automatically know it needs to be emptied. The only way we can continue to use it is if we "took out the trash". However we forget to apply this same concept to our lives. No one makes it a point to gather up junk in their lives. Gathering goes hand in hand with life's journey. We tend to pick up stuff we need now or  on a rainy day...we just gather. While sometimes we may pick up important items which may come in handy, we also tend to pick up items which will only harm us(bad habits and scars from friends and ex boyfriends). We sometimes get so afraid of being alone that we constantly fill up our lives with hobbies, church activities and people. But as we pile things up and go through life, we become overloaded and begin to overflow. It becomes too much to handle so we loose control and break down. We ask God for change, we tell Him we just want something new, but the issue is; we have no space for what He has in store. WE NEED TO MAKE ROOM! I emptying the trash! I am beginning to understand the beauty of being alone. What it means to be satisfied with God. Finding out who i really am, not from anyone else's perspective but from God's. Who He says i am! I'm emptying it all out, all the hurt, vein things i hold on to and every piece of junk i may have gathered along this journey. I'm giving Him space to work in me without the clutter. I'm finally getting rid of the fear of being alone and learning to love my own company.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Why me?'s too hard!

Speaking from a personal place: Sometimes i wonder why God lets me crash into hurdles, instead of helping me jump over them. If he is truly God, why doesn't he just lift me out of the situation? but rather, he walks through it with me. Yesterday, it finally clicked! "you can't skip the cross and the suffering" but expect to get the blessing. You can't ignore the fact that most of the hurdles you will come across in life have nothing to do with you, but are simply a testimony that will save someone else's life! Sometimes its not even about God teaching you a profound life lesson but instead, it's about Him using you. When you understand this--what it really means to walk and live a selfless life like Christ did, then it all begins to make sense. In the words of Janette Ikz."some of us won't hear it unless it's from somebody who went through..and in that case He allowed me to come before you and stand as a testimony for YOU". Only then do you come into play. By allowing your life to give God the glory.

Romans 8: 18

Where is your light?...i can't see it!

Random thoughts: Is it possible to be the "light" in a dark room but yet everyone around you still stumbles in darkness? I mean can it be bright and dark at the same time? can a person be pregnant and not pregnant at the same time? or can it be raining and not raining at the same time? One of them has to be true and the other a lie. So how is it possible that a person can love the things God hates and walk in darkness but claim to be the light of the world?... yet no one around them can see God's light shinning through? Or maybe you just keep your light under a table for no one else to see..."but since when did Jesus become your secret to keep?"- Ezekiel A.

Mathew 5:13-17

Saturday, February 26, 2011

In Christ, I Rest- -plus random thoughts...

It's funny how sometimes we forget to build our pillar of faith. It always seems a lot harder, a lot more painful, a lot scarier and a lot lonelier when God is closest to you. Sometimes you feel like the weight of the world is upon your know what i mean?!?! The times when expectations get high and all eyes are on you, waiting for you to deliver...but you just can't! Instead, you watch your castle of dreams crumble before your very eyes and you begin to wonder where to turn next.The times when it seems like all paths do lead to a door? but what good is a door behind which there is nothing but a brick wall? the times when all those uplifting christian songs and  encouraging Christian phrases on the backs of t-shirts  go right out the window. It is at this precise moment that "faith" comes into play. When all else fails and you have the choice between turning to or away from God, but you choose to hold onto God. Then it begins to make sense: that HE makes all things beautiful in his time. I have come to the conclusion that i will always choose Jesus, no matter what i am up against. Because its in those times when i feel like all hope is lost that Christ counts on me to really trust HIM like i declare so boldly in my songs of praise. For me, HE is my hiding the midst of my chaotic life, he gives me a sound and peaceful mind each and everyday. He gives me reason to not just exist, but to actually "live". Through this, i build my pillars of faith and i look back, not in fear but in remembrance of the pillars...the pillars i built all the times he brought me through.
                                                                                                                                                Psalm 32: 7

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Can "HE" come too?

A friend and i recently (as in yesterday) had a conversation that got me thinking-what is SIN and what is non-beneficial but not necessarily sin. Granted, almost everything under the sun has been labeled sin by many when in fact these things may be  non-beneficial but certainly not sin. While the mere act of walking into a club,  hearing a song about sex, drugs and murder or even watching a movie filled with sexual content may not be  "sin", the probability that "it may" lead to sin is ridiculously high. Needless to say it's better to keep your distance. But if technically these are not sin, then i should be free to do them if i want to. Yes you are free to do whatever you please, but you are also as a christian called to walk like Christ did, hence the name CHRISTIAN. The big question then is: Would the same Jesus the scripture talks about be seen jammin' to lil Wayne's "lollipop" (not condemning lil Wayne!) right after watching Monster's Ball or will he despise of it? I mean, if you are having a hard time figuring out what Jesus is/not cool with, check out what the scripture says with an unbiased mind. Ask yourself  if "he can come" or do you have to leave him behind while you partake in those activities? That's what i do...and it works for me, maybe it will work for you.

PS. While it may not be sin, it may work against HE that lives inside of you (just in case you were wondering, I'm talking about the spirit of God) lol.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Phew!!! Running again after taking a two month break HURTS!

I finally started running again! I had lost my focus for a little while or should i say-I went from being able to run comfortably for 4miles to gasping frantically for air after a 10min jog! I guess that's more than just "loosing a little focus". Well, the bright side is; today i finally did another 4mile run--yes...i know, i was still gasping for air frantically but at least this time, I had been running for 45mins. Any-who on a more serious note, i am thinking about signing up for a 5K race ?!?! *happy dance* Like my dear friend Buckee would say...

PS: You should join me!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Album: REHAB--is finally here!

Lacrae's New highly anticipated album has finally hit stores! This brother through his life and music exemplifies what it means to be on fire for Christ. With his "dope" beats and convicting lyrics, his music is always a great listen for young christian who are transitioning from secular to christian music. The album features other young christian artists such as: Tedda Shii, Sho Baraka, Sonny Sandoval, Anthony Evans and more. His new single: Overdose is guaranteed to get you bumping your head with approval while reflecting on your life.

Synopsis of Overdose video: Around every corner is a lure to consume--a desire to be satisfied. Unfortunately, no human being has found anything under the sun that brings lasting satisfaction. So we consume more and more and more. Eventually, we overdose. But there is hope--if Christianity is our rehab. In Jesus, satisfaction can be found....and there is always more. Consume more of Jesus. OVERDOSE! 

Monday, February 14, 2011


How much longer will we continue to portray this phony Christ? The one who is cool with our sins? Cool with our worldly music, worldly TV, fake christian lingo "Praise God, Amen sister" when we really don't mean it from the depth of our hearts. How long will we claim to love Jesus but not obey his commands? How much longer will we straddle the line between heaven and hell before we give God the true worship and honor he deserves? When will we realize that it is one thing to say "I know Jesus", but does Jesus know you?

Revelations 3:15-16....So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Does anybody know that you're a christian?

Can anybody really tell that you're a Christian by your actions? or do you have to hit them with the bible lingo for them to realize you know Jesus? Coz it's one thing to have "faith" and it's another thing to "work out that faith".

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Am African

This picture was designed by a local Baltimore artist with the goal of depicting the similarities which are deeply rooted within all people, regardless of race.In essence, despite our varied origin,  we can proudly claim to be AFRICAN!

Chris Webb at P4CM Lyricist Lounge-The Only Thing

Passion 4 Christ Movement Lyricist Lounge just did it again! This poet ripped the stage with a piece titled: "The Only Thing" This poem will fire up your soul! Checkout more videos on: Get in-touch with some cool young people who are passionate  for Christ.
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